Latest news and all the info on the nonprofit funding Kirkland, Washington's annual July 4th Celebration

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Fireworks a Go! Now Let's Make a Show!

You heard that right—Kirkland will have fireworks on the Fourth of July this year! Thanks to some amazing friends and neighbors—and you! Thank you for:

adding us as on Facebook,
encouraging us,
spreading the word,
attending our Wine Bottle Potting Benefit at The Grape Choice,
hanging a poster in your business,
displaying a donation box in your business,
and most important, donating!

Here's a recap of our latest donations:

We're looking at a total of $15, 760! That's fabulous! We've hit the halfway mark! Now, we're going to have fireworks for sure, but we need more donations to make an actual show! It's not much fun seeing three fireworks and then ending the night!

Thank you to our amazing donors! We'd never have a Fourth of July celebration without your support! Kirkland isn't just a city: it's a community of people who work together!

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